''Lawrence S. Findleton, affectionately known as Uncle Lucky Larry, is a dedicated family man with seven children and nine grandchildren. His unwavering focus lies in enhancing the world, one family at a time, through a unique blend of nature and assimilation offered by affordable luxury Private Resort Homes (PRH). Rocky Ledge Estates (RLE), draws in families from across the region, including Reno, Sacramento, the Bay Area, and Southern California. RLE is more than just a real estate investment; it's a beacon of togetherness and a catalyst for positive social change, creating unforgettable experiences for families while leaving a lasting impact on the world''
Uncle Lucky Larry
We get real. We know what we want and we want you to want it too.
The family is everything. Join ours and then take our lessons to improve yours, and then the ripple effect will result in a positive change.
I may be talking about you and the lessons you taught me!
When you join the "Iwannago" private group on Facebook, we will know when you joined us, and the early birds will catch more than a worm!
We have just launched our Station. Please subscribe and help us Unite Humanity, one family at a time!
Next to the 8th Wonder and when we are recognized as the source of where all the better humans in the world visited with their loved ones and improved.
OK....so I am new to being live on YouTube and I mispronounced the Indian term the is the name of the State Park that you can only access by canoe, kayak, raft, pontoon boat, or fishing boat. The place is awesome!
Thank You Theodore Roosevelt
Invitation to examine an alternative path - one crafted with diligent attention to the generation-spanning impact. With a unique opportunity for their wealth to be anchored in legacy real estate.
Uncle Lucky Larry, a man of great wealth, Lived his life in balance, in perfect health.
He knew the secret to living a life so grand, Was to be kind and generous, to lend a helping hand.He thought about being rich, but not for the money, But to be the kind of person who’s always sunny.
He worked hard and smart, and soon he became, A millionaire with freedom, and a life without shame.He lived his life in balance, with karma on his side, And soon he discovered, he had nothing to hide.
He was lucky in love, and lucky in life, And he knew that his fortune, was not just from strife.So if you want to be like Uncle Lucky Larry,
Live your life in balance, and don’t be contrary. Be kind and generous, and work hard every day, And soon you’ll discover, that luck comes your way.
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To be happy, you need love and a passion. Our stated goal is to create the 9th Wonder of the World. When we unite humanity one family at time, and the whole world notices, they will find us right next to the 8th Wonder of the World. Theodore Roosevelt bestowed the title on Burney Falls in 1908. When families vacation together and learn to love and respect people again, the ripple effect will have started with us.
We can save you thousands of dollars and set you up with a new laptop that is fully loaded with everything you need to start streaming or use this powerful technology to dominate your online meetings with clients!
Imagine being able to do it all from any hotel room, or convert an office and then give your entire team access to the most professional communitcation tool ever! Get it all for this limited time price of only $7500!
Our enclave on the edge of nature will have twelve structures and we need the best subcontractors, products, services, and expert advise to create our lifetime legacy.
We are seaching for sponsors! When our weekly YouTube channel features 1,500 families a year on vacation with us, you want your products to be featured and appreciated by our guests.
Our goal is to create an authentic "Below the Falls" channel that document real families having the most memorable times ever!